scene 1
@ steps forward to write tutorial answer on the board.
@: the bulky side chains block the backside approach so sn2 is not favoured.
proceeds to draw mechanism. thus sn1 is favoured.
!: good you separated the two steps. (proceeds to rant on irrelevant issues)
act 2
scene 1
-: are you feeling bored?
_: no lah, i'm just thinking. *stares into the distance, not daring to look at - in the face*
-: sure?
_: yes (of course i'm bloody bored. anybody can figure that out.)
act 3
scene 1
^: eh. whats the name of your book.
*: i dont know. it doesnt have a name?
^: give it one lah?
*: wait, it has one. look. retro circle *points at small tag on notebook*
^: ... eh. lets got lt then you can write your book.
scene 2
^: why you so sad? you can tell me your secrets.
*: no lah. i'm not what.
^: dont lie. i can tell that you're damn sad. who do you like?
enter lt3.
&: hey.
%: hey.
* goes to table and sleeps for awhile after listening to ^ & and % produce music.
whispers/ talks relatively softly.
^: eh. * damn sad eh.
&: i dont know. he's your classmate.
insert other irrelevant speech here.
* is actually awake and listens but doesnt say anything.
hah. here's an agsty young x-23 so that i can make more people become her fans. haha.

and since i'm so bloody bored. here's more GAMBIT!

and somemore of his flair and style. haha. pity all those guys pointing the guns at him.

though he is just the coolest, i think he should ditch the pinkish suit for this full black one. looks waayyy cooler. omg. omg.

and here is him and his gf rogue? i dont really like rogue. personally, i wish gambit would get together with x-23 or somthing. haha. loll.

and because i am now feeling very random. here is a robot called purger. he is a robot from the post apocalyptic future. what does he do? he purges people. he cleanses heretics and traitors. he kills every last one of them. no mercy. not one bit.

kill them all. every last one of them.
ps. sorry for making your com lag if it does with all the excessive amounts of pictures. i really am.
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